How to Move Photos from One Album to Another on iPhone: A Step-by-Step Guide

Wondering how to move photos from one album to another on iPhone? You’re not alone. Organizing your photos can help you find them more easily and free up storage space. This guide will provide you with a straightforward, step-by-step method to do just that.


Before you start the process of moving photos between albums, make sure you:

  • Have an iPhone with iOS 12 or later installed.
  • Know which photos you want to move and to which album.

How to Move Photos from One Album to Another on iPhone

Follow these step-by-step instructions to move photos from one album to another on your iPhone.

Step 1: Open the Photos App

Locate the Photos app icon on your iPhone’s home screen and tap on it to open the app.

Step 2: Navigate to the Album

At the bottom of the screen, tap the ‘Albums’ tab to see a list of all your photo albums.

Step 3: Select Photos

Tap the album containing the photos you wish to move. Then, tap ‘Select’ at the top right corner of the screen. Choose the photos you want to move by tapping on them.

Read more iPhone camera topics here – iPhone Camera: How To, Problems & Solutions

Step 4: Move the Photos

Once you’ve selected the photos, tap the ‘Share’ icon located at the bottom left corner of the screen. Scroll down and tap ‘Add to Album’.

Step 5: Choose the Destination Album

A list of albums will appear. Tap the album to which you want to move the selected photos. The photos will be moved instantly.


If you encounter any issues while moving photos, here are some common problems and their solutions:

Error 1: ‘Add to Album’ Option Not Available

If the ‘Add to Album’ option doesn’t appear, make sure you’ve tapped ‘Share’ after selecting the photos. If the issue persists, restart the Photos app and try again.

Error 2: Photos Not Moving

If the photos are not moving to the chosen album, ensure that you have sufficient storage space on your iPhone. You may need to delete some files or offload apps to make room.

How to Move Photos from One Album to Another on iPhone: Conclusion

Now you know how to move photos from one album to another on iPhone with ease. Keep your photos organized and make the most of your iPhone’s storage capabilities.